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Morris, Lynda and Grunenberg, Christoph
The major AHRC-funded exhibition ‘Picasso Peace and Freedom’, curated by Lynda Morris and Dr Christoph Grunenberg, presented new insights into the impact of Picasso’s membership of the Communist Party on the meaning of his work, challenging social and cultural assumptions of the artist as politicall...
Morris, Lynda
This exhibition of Vanley Burke’s 100 photographs of the Jamaican Community in Handsworth from 1960 to 2011 was curated by Morris, who also compiled a substantial text from press stories about the Birmingham Jamaican Community 1954-2008 for the exhibition catalogue, covering prejudice in housing, jo...
Powell, Neil
Exhibition curation of the work of the award-winning German conceptual artist, Hans-Peter Feldmann.
Rowe, Carl
Cork Printmakers in association with Cork Midsummer Festival are delighted to present BALLOT, a printmaking portfolio collaboration between staff, alumni and students from Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich, UK and Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork, Ireland, with invited partners Print to ...
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