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Morris, Lynda
The curation of the international open-submission exhibition ‘EASTinternational 2009’ reflected a diverging range of capitalist and anti-capitalist ideological influences on artists East and West two decades after the end of the Cold War, identified and developed by Morris with exhibition selectors ...
Bloom, Jaygo
For the solo exhibition ‘Arcade’ Bloom developed six artworks (‘Pacman Ouroboros’, ‘Victory Over The Sun, ‘Triple A’, ‘O:.O:.O:.’, ‘Major Havoc’ and ‘Homage to a Homage’) to explore the interplay of games and art, building on moving image work created by Bloom for the international touring exhibitio...
Rowe, Carl
Cork Printmakers in association with Cork Midsummer Festival are delighted to present BALLOT, a printmaking portfolio collaboration between staff, alumni and students from Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich, UK and Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork, Ireland, with invited partners Print to ...
Hanna, Suzie, Bayley, Sally, Panizza, Nicole and Sanders, Hannah
A collaborative project with Dr Nicole Panizza, Dr Hannah Sanders and Dr Sally Bayley at the Emily Dickinson International Society Conference in Paris 2016 ‘The Angled Road Preferred against the Mind’ Experimental Dickinson.
Our performance referenced Emily’s folio of pieces that she played on th...
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